Doctor Who “Smile” Review


Well I have to say I am so HAPPY Doctor Who is back! This is shaping up to be a good series and I love the new companion!


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My Top 12 Twelfth Doctor Moments Part II


Well it’s the beginning of the end folks, Peter Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who at the end of the current series, but instead of being sad let’s rejoice and remember the best moments of The Twelfth Doctor!


The 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi) clearly has been an inconsistent character, and divided a lot of fans, but he has still had some amazing moments! Here is Part II of My Top 12 Twelfth Doctor Moments!


8. Twelve Tries To Convince Clara He is STILL THE Doctor

In the Series 8 opener, “Deep Breath,” the Doctor has just regenerated and is going through post-regenerative trauma. He doesn’t recognize Clara and thinks everyone including Jenny, Clara and Strax is speaking differently and have different accents, when in actuality the Doctor has developed a Scottish accent!

The Twelfth Doctor is more abrasive, rude, and mean and it is very offputting to Clara (this becomes so ridiculous that Madame Vastra has to call Clara out on it to make her realize this old and crotchety man is still the Doctor) and she doesn’t recognize the Doctor anymore.

This noticeably upsets the Doctor because Clara and him have become best friends, so he feels like he is losing his friend. Apparently the Doctor anticipated this and calls her (this version being his previous self) trying to convince Clara he is still the same man.

Unfortunately for the Doctor, Clara still is unconvinced which leads to this reaction from The Twelfth Doctor:

“You can’t see me, can you? You look at me and you can’t see me. You have any idea what that’s like? I’m not on the phone, I’m right HERE standing infront of you. Please just, just see me.”

This line speaks volumes for how Twelve feels at that moment and is desperately trying to prove to his friend that he is still the same man. It’s very touching and is a great scene to show that despite what happens throughout his early run, Twelve cares what Clara thinks of him and he really cares for Clara too. This is a great moment for The Twelfth Doctor and really shapes his relationship with Clara.


12dalek7. The Doctor Connects His Mind With A Dalek (Rusty) To Try and Get Him To Stop Killing

In Series 8 Episode 2 “Into The Dalek,” the Doctor and Clara embark on a dangerous mission which requires them to go inside of a Dalek because it has malfunctioned.

Once the Doctor realizes what the problem is and “fixes” it, the Dalek begins killing people which leads Clara to convince the Doctor that he needs to stop the Dalek from killing anymore people.

The Doctor links his mind in an attempt to show the Dalek the beauty of the universe, and is a touching moment until the Doctor fails and the Dalek sees the Doctor’s hatred for the Daleks and focuses on that. This leads the Dalek to realize that Daleks are the enemy and he seeks out all other Daleks and begins exterminating them (see what I did there? 😉 ).

Despite the Twelfth Doctor’s failure in this particular situation, this moment shows that Twelve is willing to go to any lengths to save people including trying to reprogram the mind of a killing machine.



6. The Twelfth Doctor Realizes What Kind of Man He Is

Throughout The Twelfth Doctor’s first season he keeps asking “am I a good man?” and seriously wonders if he is still the same Doctor who (no pun intended) deep down is a good man, just trying to do the right thing in every situation.

In the Series 8 finale “Death in Heaven,” the Twelfth Doctor is faced with zombified Cybermen controlled by his childhood friend (The Master) turned enemy now regenerated into a female body as Missy (Michelle Gomez) and struggles with the type of man he is once again. Then all of a sudden it hits the Doctor like a ton of bricks:



This moment is great because it is a moment of clarity for The Twelfth Doctor where he realizes he is just making it up as he goes and cannot do it alone and that’s why he doesn’t need an army because he has his companions to help bim. This is one of my favorite moments because it is both humorous and very deep for the Doctor and The Twelfth Doctor in particular.

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5. The Twelfth Doctor Gets Very Emotional and Smashes The TARDIS Console

In the Series 8 finale “Death in Heaven,” after the Twelfth Doctor with the help of Danny Pink stops an invasion of Cybermen from taking over the Earth, the Doctor tells Clara he found Gallifrey (which is a lie) and he is going to return home.

We see a flashback of The Twelfth Doctor following the coordinates that Missy gave him hoping to find Gallifrey. Sadly Missy lied to the Doctor and the planet was nowhere to be found. The Doctor looks outside the TARDIS doors in space hoping to see any sign of Gallifrey, but when he realizes it’s nowhere to be found, he begins punching and smashing the TARDIS console in frustration.

This moment is powerful because it shows that The Twelfth Doctor desperately wants to find his home planet of Gallifrey and when he fails to, he lets his emotions get the better of him. This scene is so emotional and you really feel for the Doctor and wish you could comfort him somehow.

Well this concludes Part II, be on the lookout for Part III!

What say you? What is your favorite Twelfth Doctor moment? Whatever your thoughts let me know!